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⚠ Please note: We bake many products every day, but not all of them. Therefore, if you want something in particular, we suggest you let us know in advance so that we can satisfy your requests.
We tell you the story of the sfogliatelle,
that to goodness challenge even the doughnuts.
Then fill with lemon or chocolate cream,
of the Pasticceria di via Pedrocchi you will become a subscriber.
The sfogliatelle are available with cream and chocolate.

Sweet typical of the other side of the mountain,
of almond vitamins are a source,
we make them bigger to satisfy the customer.

Almond paste, sweet and light,
They will lift even your blackest day.
They are also called “bad but good”,
after the first one you will stock up on a thousand packs.

Biscotti caserecci
Soft shortcrust pastry with a round shape,
every morning by me in the milk coffee sinks.
The cookies are perfect to start the day,
and to keep you company til the last sun ray.
The homemade cookies are also available with whole grain.

Shortcrust pastry, sugar and chocolate,
This cookie seems embraced:
in fact it is called torcetto,
that of the horseshoe recalls the concept

Biscottini con cioccolato e granella di zucchero
Two cookies embrace a sweetly a layer of chocolate, above covered with sugar grains…of them you will need an entire train!

Typical cookie in the Apennines,
soft dough with a round belly,
What’s in there, guess it!
Cherry, chestnut or blueberry?
Scarpaccioli are available with black cherry, blueberries or stuffed with chestnuts.
Try them also fried!

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